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1. 8. – 20:00
Nádvorie Starej radnice / Old Town Hall Forecourt

Ľubomír Gašpar feat. Adam Ben Ezra & NANOVO ensemble

Slovenský cimbalista a kontrabasista Ľubomír Gašpar je klasicky vyštudovaným hudobníkom s bohatými žánrovými presahmi od klasickej hudby, cez jazz až po world music. Držiteľ ocenenia Radio_Head Award za album The Point of View spolupracuje so špičkovými domácimi a zahraničnými umelcami z rôznych hudobných oblastí (Roby Lakatos Ensemble, SOLE, Manuša, Ľubomír Gašpar Cimbal Project). Multižánrové smerovanie sa odráža aj v jeho autorskej tvorbe, ktorá je práve vďaka tomu veľmi farebná a pestrá. Na koncerte predstaví cimbal ako jedinečný sólový nástroj plný kontrastov a farieb v sprievode vynikajúceho sláčikového orchestra NANOVO ensemble pod vedením Karolíny Krigovskej. „Tento program vznikol špeciálne pre festival Viva Musica!. Bolo mojou túžbou zahrať si na tomto festivale a o to viac sa teším, že sa to udeje v spolupráci s fenomenálnym kontrabasistom a multiinštrumentalistom Adamom Ben Ezrom na 20. výročí festivalu,“ priblížil koncert Ľubomír Gašpar. „Spolupráca s Ľubomírom je pre mňa veľkou radosťou. Teším sa na objavovanie spoločných presahov medzi našimi hudobnými svetmi a verím, že tento koncert bude nezabudnuteľným zážitkom pre bratislavské publikum,“ doplnil Adam Ben Ezra. Koncert sa uskutoční na historickom Nádvorí Starej radnice – na mieste, kde sa pred dvadsiatimi rokmi v auguste 2005 uskutočnil vôbec prvý koncert festivalu Viva Musica!, vtedy ešte pod názvom Hudobné záhrady Bratislavy.

Photo © Dorota Holubová, Diego Garcia

Zmena programu a účinkujúcich vyhradená

Ľubomír Gašpar grew up with folklore and studied classical music and jazz. He is a recipient of the Radio Head Awards for the album „The Point of View“. He perceives the cimbalom from a different perspective, utilizing the sounds it offers and connecting it with musical elements typical for the cimbalom. He likes to draw from the folklore of various nations and combines it with jazz and other genres. He plays the cimbalom in successful ensembles such as Ľubomír Gašpar Cimbal Project, MANUŠA, Roby Lakatoš Ensemble, and the double bass in the ensemble SOLE. Ľubomír has created his own musical signature through his musical journey. 

Adam Ben Ezra

“Bringing the double-bass out of the shadows” (BBC) 

“A spellbinding performer” (The Telegraph) 

“I can’t wait to see what else he comes up with” (TIME Magazine) 

“Dazzling virtuosity and breath-taking performance” (Jazz FM) 

For the past decade, double-bass phenomenon and multi-instrumentalist Adam Ben Ezra has been redefining and breathing new life into the double-bass and inspiring many with his flawless musicianship and his striking song writing, carving out a unique spot for himself in today’s international musical landscape. With well over thirty million views to date on his videos and a strong following on all social media platforms, Adam is a bonafide internet star. His success is certainly not confined to the web, with hundreds of shows under his belt across Europe, the United States and beyond. Having shared bills with the likes of Snarky Puppy, Pat Metheny, Victor Wooten and Richard Bona to name but a few, Adam is no stranger to big venues and festivals and is truly at home on stage. His work has been shown at industry leading publications, such as the BBC, CBS News, Time Magazine and The British Telegraph to name but a few. Jazz FM has defined his appearance as “A dazzling virtuosity and breath-taking athletic performance“. In 2024 Adam will release his 5th album that will culminate the peak of his career thus far. This album will deliver both a diverse and rich sound, incorporating a unique blend of genres, rhythms and grooves, promising to push the bass to the limit as never seen or heard before. 

Simona Hulejová is Slovak singer who grew up in the heart of Liptov region where she has been engaging with Slovak folk music from a very young age. She is a granddaughter of famous folk singer Anna Hulejová with whom she has performed in a number of festivals. She has received various awards such as Janka Guzova award or Slávik Slovenska award. As a soloist she has performed in the festivals such as Východná, Grape, Uprising. She studied jazz at the VOŠ Jaroslava Ježka in Prague. She regularly collaborates with renowned Slovak and Czech jazz musicians such as Stanislav Palúch, Peter Korman, Daniel Šoltis, Oskae Török, Miroslav Hloucal, Ondřej Kabrna. She has recorded duet as a part of Samuel Hošek’s jazz album, produced by renowned Slovak pianist and arranger Ľuboš Šrámek. Hulejová is currently focusing on her own music in band Baron Haze.  

Photo © Dorota Holubová, Diego Garcia

We reserve the right to change the programme and performers.
